Help is available for Veterans and their families.
Call Kerri Carpenter (Veteran services supervisor) at
563-594-9742 for assistance
or by e-mail at
If you need emergency shelter, please contact either the number above or 563-322-8065
Humility Homes and Services, Inc.
Veterans Housing Programs & Supportive Services
Veteran services provide shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing funding, and support to veterans and their households.
Our Focus: Enhancing housing stability, housing advocacy, education on tenant rights and responsibilities, and targeted financial assistance.
Low-Demand - Grant Per Diem: This program utilizes a harm reduction framework to accommodate chronically homeless Veterans.
Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF): provides financial assistance and supportive services for Veterans and their families who are experiencing homelessness or at significant risk of becoming homeless.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Shallow Subsidy Services: Shallow Subsidy offers a set percentage of rental support over a defined time, differentiating it from traditional rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention assistance that has more rental assistance flexibility.
We are a proud partner with the VA's Encatchment Area: Scott, Clinton, Muscatine, RI, Mercer, Henry, Lee, & Whiteside Counties.