New HHSI Housing Initiative

Did you know Humility Homes and Services, Inc. owns 17 buildings with a total of 47 units available for rent? Our apartment options range from large spacious 1 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms apartments and duplexes. In all of our units, we keep our rents to affordable, work with those seeking housing who have previous evictions, need deposit assistance and include all utilities with the rental amount. We accept the Section 8 Voucher in our units as we provide quality furnished units in order to meet the basic needs of a family who may have been experiencing homelessness and did not have furniture or household goods. We are able to provide this with items that are donated by generous supporters through the Fresh Start Center. 

With our Section 8+ plus program, we are able to house individuals who are coming from anywhere in the Quad Cities and potentially help them avoid becoming homeless by moving them straight into housing with their Section 8 voucher as we help individuals and families break down their barriers by being low barrier access to housing. Once an individual or family is housed in one of our housing units, we then offer supportive services in order to help them maintain long term in their rental unit. By offering this type of housing, this is another way HHSI is fulfilling our vision of providing a home for every person. 


Outreach Navigators will identify most at risk


Amie's Story